(Extract from my essay entitled: 'Teenage Fashion in the UK and the USA in the 1950's and the 1960's'. This may need abit of work!)
The word ‘Teenager’ had an entirely different connotation in the 50’s than it does today. What was seen as a youthful rebellion in the 50’s seems innocent compared to today, but it was in fact in the 1950’s the term ‘Teenager’ was coined, marking the growth of youth as a market force boosting ecomomy. (Seeling, 2000) War had left its negative and also perhaps positive impact on both the UK ’s and the USA ’s populations, as ‘returning servicemen brought back stories of exotic destinations’. (Shih, 1997) In turn the fashion industry responded to these new ideas as a generation gap emerged from children not wanting to look and dress as their parents did; they had their own money to spend and became the dominant style leaders, carrying on into the 60’s.(Seeling, 2000) This positive outlook produced extremes within the fashion industry; from the rebellious and dangerous look of the ‘Biker’ style to the elegant, sophistication of the ‘Teddy’ or ‘Neo-Edwardian’, and to the wholesome look of the ‘Campus’ style.